Subpart 1202.70—Abbreviations

1202.7000 General.

The following abbreviations or acronyms may be used throughout the TAR and the agency's associated internal policies and procedures in the TAM—

Table 1 to 1202.7000—Abbreviations and Acronyms
CFO Chief Financial Officer.
CIO Chief Information Officer.
COCO Chief of the Contracting Office.
COR Contracting Officer's Representative.
D&F Determination and Findings.
FOIA Freedom of Information Act.
HCA Head of the Contracting Activity.
HOA Head of the Operating Administration.
J&A Justification and Approval.
OA Operating Administration.
OIG Office of the Inspector General.
OSDBU Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization.
PCR Procurement Center Representative.
RFP Request for Proposal.
SBA Small Business Administration.
SBS Small Business Specialist.
SPE Senior Procurement Executive.