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Part Number: 422

Agriculture Acquisition Regulation

Subpart 422.13 - Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans

Source: 70 FR 46, Jan. 3, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

422.1305 Waivers.

(a) The Assistant Secretary for Administration is authorized to make the waiver determination in FAR 22.1305(b) that a contract is essential to the national security.

(b) The contracting officer shall submit requests for exemptions under FAR 22.1305(a) and (b) through the HCA to the SPE for determination by the Assistant Secretary for Administration or referral to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor as appropriate.

422.1308 Complaint procedures.

The contracting officer shall forward complaints received about the administration of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act directly to the Department of Labor as prescribed in FAR 22.1308.