Subpart 447.3 - Transportation in Supply Contracts
447.302 Place of delivery - F.O.B. point.
The contracting officer shall insert a clause substantially the same as the clause at 452.247-70, Delivery Location, in supply contracts when it is necessary to specify delivery locations. If appropriate, the clause may reference an attachment which lists various delivery locations and other delivery details (e.g., quantities to be delivered to each location, etc.).
447.305 Solicitation provisions, contract clauses, and transportation factors.
447.305-10 Packing, marking, and consignment instructions.
(a) The contracting officer shall insert a clause substantially the same as the clause at 452.247-71, Marking Deliverables, in solicitations and contracts if special marking on deliverables (other than reports) are required.
(b) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 452.247-72, Packing for Domestic Shipment, in contracts when item(s) will be delivered for immediate use to a destination in the continental United States; when the material specification or purchase description does not provide preservation, packaging, packing, and/or marking requirements; and/or when the requiring activity has not cited a specific specification for packaging.
(c) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 452.247-73, Packing for Overseas Shipment, in contracts when item(s) will be delivered to an overseas destination for immediate use, the material specification does not specify packing levels, and the required activity has not specified such requirements.