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Change Number: Change 191 GSAM Case 2024-G508
Effective Date: 10/24/2024

Part 506 - Competition Requirements

Part 506 - Competition Requirements

Subpart 506.2 - Full and Open Competition After Exclusion of Sources

506.202 Establishing or maintaining alternative sources.

An HCA signs determinations and findings required by FAR6.202.

Subpart 506.3 - Other than Full and Open Competition

506.304 Approval of the justification.

(a) Proposing a class justification. If you determine that the facts supporting other than full and open competition would be present in other GSA contracting activities, you should propose a class justification. Recommend through appropriate channels that the Senior Procurement Executive approve a class justification for all GSA contracting activities. This does not apply to justifications based on the authority of 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(7), which does not permit class justifications.

(b) Justifications based on 41 U.S.C.253(c)(7). For a justification based on the authority of 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(7) (see FAR 6.302-7), submit the justification for the Administrator’s approval through the SPE.

(c) Justifications for contract actions subject to the Agreement on Government Procurement. When you acquire eligible products without full and open competition using the authority in FAR 6.302-3(a)(2)(i) or 6.302-7, furnish a copy of the approved justification to the SPE at The SPE will transmit the justification to the U.S. Trade Representative.

(d) Approval for Justifications. The contracting officer shall obtain approval for justifications for other than full and open competition as required by the approval thresholds in paragraph (e)

(1)Contracting Activity Advocate for Competition approval is required for all justifications for other than full and open competition over $750K.

(2)The contracting officer shall obtain approvals as required by the Service prior to the SPE, as applicable.

(e) Approval Thresholds. The following are the minimum approval requirements for justifications. The HCA may further limit approval authority for designated officials or impose lower thresholds. Thresholds include all options.

Threshold Approving Official
Up to but not exceeding $750K Contracting Officer
Over $750K to $75M HCA or Contracting Executive, if applicable
Over $75M GSA SPE