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Change Number: Change 196 GSAM Case 2020-G515
Effective Date: 02/14/2025

505.203 Publicizing and response time.

505.203 Publicizing and response time.

If publicizing in newspapers, ensure that the notice appears at least three calendar days before issuance of the solicitation. Allow at least these minimum response times:

(a) For real property appraisal services valued at less than the applicable Trade Agreements Act (TAA) threshold (see FAR 25.401(b), 10 calendar days prior to receipt of initial offers.

(b)  For real property appraisal services valued at or over the applicable TAA threshold, 40 calendar days prior to receipt of initial offers. If the acquisition falls in a general category identified in an annual forecast, the period may be reduced to as few as 10 days.