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Change Number: Change 195 GSAM Case 2025-G505
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

515.3703-4 Notification of Award.

515.3703-4 Notification of Award.

(a) Notification Letter and Evaluation Statement (NLES). The NLES is an unredacted customized evaluation statement of the specific offeror’s submission. The contracting officer provides the NLES even if an offeror does not request a debriefing or information on an award. The NLES must include the following:

(1) All the information outlined in FAR 8.405-2 4(d), 12.102(b), 15.503(b), 15.506(a)(4)(d) or 16.505(b)(6);

(2) Ratings for each evaluation factor, as identified in the solicitation;

(3) A narrative of the offeror’s submission strengths and weaknesses and/or deficiencies for each evaluation factor including significant strengths and weaknesses;

(4) Technical rating;

(5) Ranking order of their proposal, if applicable;

(6) Cost/price data ranking chart, if applicable;

(7) An opportunity to attend an oral feedback meeting with the evaluation team; and

(8) An opportunity to ask written questions of the evaluation team (see 515.3703-5 for timelines).

(b) Procedures. The contracting officer, in accordance with the INFORM Guide at, shall—

(1) Prepare an NLES for each offer. Contracting activities should use information for the specific offeror from the source selection or evaluation panel reports. Sample NLES documents are available at

(2) Obtain legal sufficiency (see ADM 5000.4).

(3) Send the NLES to each offeror at the time of award or in accordance with the appropriate FAR part. Ensure all minimum requirements from the FAR are addressed.