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Change Number: DAFAC 2024-0612
Effective Date: 06/12/2024

MP5301.602-2 (d) Designation, Assignment, and Responsibilities of a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR)

MP5301.602-2 (d) Designation, Assignment, and Responsibilities of a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR)

The following are mandatory procedures (MP) for standardizing the Department of the Air Force (DAF) contracting process regarding designation, assignment, and responsibilities of a Contracting Officer’s Representative. The assignment of a COR is not necessary when the CO retains or delegates surveillance to DCMA, or for one of the categories of services exempted in DAFI 63-138 Acquisition of Services . DoDI5000.72 requires COs to designate a COR for Construction contracts, unless the contracting officer retains and executes contract oversight responsibilities when the conditions of DFARS 201.602-2 exist.

In accordance with DFARS PGI 201.602-2(d)(v), contracting officers must designate a COR for all service contracts, and supply contracts with cost-reimbursable line items including both firm-fixed-price and other than firm-fixed-price contracts within 3 business days of contract award unless an exemption applies. See DFARS PGI 201.602-2(d)(v)(A) and (B) for exemptions.